Prof. Dr. Sagheer Abbas

Prof. Dr. Sagheer Abbas
Dean CSPhD Computer Science, NCBAE Lahore
M.Phil Computer Science, NCBAE Lahore
A Conceptual Design of Quantum Sparse Distributed Memory” (2012) ISBN
978-3- 8484-2577- 8, Lambert Academic publishing, Germany
1. Qura-Tul- Ain Khan, Sagheer Abbas, Atifa Athar , Advance Modeling of
Agriculture Farming Techniques Using Internet of Things , Vol. 17 No. 12 pp.
114-119,2018. [ISI Indexed].
2. Kashif Iqbal, Muhammad Adnan Khan, Sagheer Abbas, “Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) for Smart-cities using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference
System”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
(IJACSA). ISSN: 2158-107X, Vol. 9, No. 2, P. 94-105, 2018, Digital Object
Identifier (DOI): 10.14569/IJACSA.2018.090215. [ISI Indexed].
3. Wasim Ahmad Khan, Hafiz Usman Akmal, Ahmad Ullah, Aqdas Malik, Sagheer
Abbas, Abdullah Ahmad, Abdullah Farooq, “Intelligent Virtual Security System
using Attention Mechanism”, EAI ENDORSED TRANSACTIONS ON
BEGIJNHOFLAAN 93, GHENT, BELGIUM, 90000 (2018). [ISI Indexed].
4. Syed Saqib Raza Rizvi, Muhammad Asad Ullah, Sagheer Abbas, Shahid Naseem,
Enhancing Cloud Security Using VKC as a Service, Vol. 17 No. 6 pp. 185-190,
IJCSNS, Korea, 2017. [ISI Indexed]
5. Atifa Athar, Khalil Ahmed, Sagheer Abbas, Yousaf Saeed (2017), "Modeling
Cooperative and Competitive Emotions Using Parallel SOM for Artificially
Intelligent Agents", IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and
Network Security, pp: 270 – 275, Vol: 17, Issue: 2, Standard: 1738-7906, 2017. [ISI
6. Muhammad Wasim khan, Muhammad Bilal, Wasim Ahmad Khan, and Sagheer
Abbas. "Strategy Development through Emotional Manipulation in Agents using
Q-Learning." International Journal of Computer Science and Information
Security 14, no. 11 (2016): 395. [ISI Indexed].
7. Sagheer Abbas, Bilal Nawaz, Atifa Athar, Yousaf Saeed, Wasim Ahmad Khan
(2016), "Intelligent Agent Navigation using Bluetooth Based Ad Hoc
Communication", International Journal of Computer Science and Information
Security 15, no. 11 (2017): 395. [ISI Indexed].
8. Atifa Athar, Khalil Ahmed, Yousaf Saeed, Wasim Ahmed Khan, Sagheer Abbas
(2017), "Modeling Emotional Abstraction of Sensory Perceptual content for
cognitive agents using fuzzy inference ", International Journal of Computer Science
and Information Security, 15(1), 491. [ISI Indexed].
9. AsadUllah, Muhammad, Sagheer Abbas, Naila Samar Naz, Syed Saqib Raza Rizvi,
Tariq Zia, and Kinza Sardar. "Social Networks of Things for Smart Homes Using
Fuzzy Logic." International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 18,
no. 2 (2018): 168-173. [ISI Indexed].
10. Naeem Ali, Sagheer Abbas, and Muhammad Shahid. "Proposed Framework of
Smart City for Gawadar, Balochistan Pakistan." Int J Econ Manag Sci 6, no. 436
(2017): 2.
11. Saeed, Yousaf, Khalil Ahmed, Mahi Lohi, Sagheer Abbas, and Atifa Athar.
"Impact of Cognition on User Authentication Scheme in Vehicle using Fuzzy
Logic and Artificial Neural Network." International Journal of Computer Science
and Information Security 14, no. 10 (2016): 285. [ISI Indexed].
12. Umer Farooq, M. Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, M. Anwaar Saeed, and Sagheer
Abbas. "Autonomous system controller for vehicles using neuro-
fuzzy." International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2
13. Sagheer Abbas, M. Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, M. Abdullah, and Umer Farooq.
"Bio-inspired neuro-fuzzy based dynamic route selection to avoid traffic
congestion." International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 2, no. 6
(2011): 284-289
Conference Proceedings:
1. Muhammad Saeed Khan, Sagheer Abbas, Areej Fatima, “Effects of various
weather conditions on free space optical communication links” Paper is accepted
for publication in first West Asian Colloquium on Optical Wireless
Communications, April, 2018
2. Muhammad Hanif, Sagheer Abbas, Areej fatima “Dynamic networks
connectivity model based on trust using SNA” Paper is accepted for publication in
2nd National Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology
(NCCSIT) Lahore, Pakistan, March 2018
3. Muhammad Mazhar Bukhari, Sagheer Abbas, Sadaf Hussain, Areej Fatima,
“Identification of Communication Gap using Social Network Analysis” Paper is
accepted for publication in 2nd National Conference on Computer Science and
Information Technology (NCCSIT) Lahore, Pakistan, March 2018.
4. Areej Fatima, Sagheer Abbas, “Cloud Based Intelligent Decision Support
System for Disaster Management Using Fuzzy Logic” Paper is accepted for
publication in 2nd National Conference on Computer Science and Information
Technology (NCCSIT) Lahore, Pakistan, March 2018.
5. Amal Adnan, Zaroon Haider, Sagheer Abbas, “Standardization of Cloud
Security using Fuzzy Logic ” Paper is accepted for publication in 2nd National
Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (NCCSIT) Lahore,
Pakistan, March 2018.
6. Nadeem Iqbal, Sagheer Abbas, Umer Farooq, Areej Fatima“ Cloud based Hand-
writing Digit Recognition using Naïve Bayes ” Paper is accepted for publication in
2nd National Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology
(NCCSIT) Lahore, Pakistan, March 2018.
7. Muhammad Adnan Khan, Ayesha Nasir, Muhammad Umair, Sagheer Abbas,
“Time Complexity of TOMPSO Algorithm”, in 16th International Conference on
Statistical Sciences: Advances in Statistics and Data Management: It’s Role in
National Growth and Socio-Economic Developments, 2018
8. Khan, Wasim Ahmad; Akmal, Hafiz Usman; Ullah, Ahmad; Malik, Aqdas;
Abbas, Sagheer; Ahmad, Abdullah; Farooq, Abdullah ,Intelligent Virtual Security
System using Attention Mechanism, , Future 5V, 2017.
9. Kashif Iqbal, Muhammad Adnan Khan, Sagheer Abbas and Zahid Hasan,
“Transportation System for Smart-Cities using Fuzzy Logic”, Paper is accepted for
publication in 2nd National Conference on Computer Science and Information
Technology (NCCSIT) Lahore, Pakistan, 27-29 May 2018
10. Yousaf Saeed, Atifa Athar, Khalil Ahmed, Sagheer Abbas “Empirical Study for
Performance Analysis of IPv6 Networks and Tunnel Broker Mechanism”,
International Conference on Innovative Computing, 2016.
11. Sagheer Abbas, Khalil Ahmed, and Umer Farooq. "A Quantum Inspired Sparse
Distributed Memory (Qi-Sdm) Model For Clean Patterns Retrieval." Islamic
Countries Society of Statistical Sciences: 627-635, 2011.
12. Farooq, Umer, Khalil Ahmed, Yousaf Saeed, and Sagheer Abbas. "GIS
Framework using SDI for Disaster Management." Islamic Countries Society of
Statistical Sciences: 661-666, 2011.