M.Sc. Environmental Management


The “M.Sc. in Environmental Management” program under the School of Business Administration (NCBA&E) is a two years program that will develop technical skills and necessary knowledge in the field of environmental management.
The M.Sc. program is a combination of multidisciplinary subjects that will empower the students to solve the day to day problems being generated in society.

The content of the program is based on interacting systems that include physical, biological, and cultural elements of the environment that will link the environment problem with society.
The program is designed in such a way that it will develop and enhance excellence, expertise, and leadership qualities in students.

In addition, the specialization focuses on identifying the interrelationship between environments and human behavior and its effects on society.

The Duration of the program is 2 Years.

Road Map M.Sc. Environmental Management (66 Credit Hours)

Duration: 2 YEARS

Subject Code Subject Name
CS 131 Computer Application
LANG1102 English
ENV 501 Introduction to Environment Management
ENV 503 Environment Impact Assessment
ENV 504 Wildlife Forestry and Wetland Management
ENV 506 Environmental Law and Policies
ENV 509 Environmental Pollution
ENV 513 Environmental Economics
ENV 517 Introduction to Climate change
ENV 520 Environmental Profile of Pakistan
ENV 525 Research Methods in Environmental Management
ENV 527 Environment Health & Safety
ENV 528 Urban Environment
ENV 539 Environment Statistics
ENV 540 Natural Resource Management
ENV 502 Analytical Techniques in Ecological Systems
ENV 505 Biodiversity and Conservation
ENV 507 Environment Chemistry
ENV 511 Urban Planning and Environment
ENV 512 Population Dynamics and Environment
ENV 519 Energy and Environment
ENV 521 WEEE Management
ENV 522 Environment Toxicology
ENV 523 Environment Geologhy
ENV 524 Hospital Waste Management
ENV 526 Disaster Management
ENV 529 Environmental Biotechnology
ENV 531 Climatology
ENV 533 GIS & Remote
ENV 534 Environmental Monitoring
ENV 536 Applied Ecology
ENV 537 Air Quality Management
ENV 538 Agro-ecology
ENV 601 Water Resources Management
ENV 620 Watershed Management
ENV 622 Project Management
ENV 626 Environmental Risk Assessment
ENV 629 Pollution Control
ENV 632 Noise Pollution Management
ENV 633 Solid Waste Management
ENV 637 Cleaner Production
ENV 640 Environmental Management Systems
ENV 642 Eco-tourims
ENV 699 Project in Environmental Management

Back in 1994 NCBA&E was founded as a private institute. Practicing excellence in teaching, learning and a close partnership with industry, its commitment and hard work earned a well reputed place in the aspects of management studies.


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