Faculty of Social Sciences
 /  Faculty of Social Sciences

NCBA&E was founded back in 1994 as a state of the art educational institute. Owing to our legacy of excellence in delivering quality education, and a strong dedication to excel in Pakistan’s higher education sector we became a well-established and celebrated name for our management studies. NCBA&E was founded back in 1994 as a state of the art educational institute. Owing to our legacy of excellence in delivering quality education, and a strong dedication to excel in Pakistan’s higher education sector we became a well-established and celebrated name for our management studies.

Undergraduate Program

Masters Program

M.Phil Program

Doctorate Prgoram

Back in 1994 NCBA&E was founded as a private institute. Practicing excellence in teaching, learning and a close partnership with industry, its commitment and hard work earned a well reputed place in the aspects of management studies.


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